About Ethiopia Reads
Founded in 1998, Ethiopia Reads has been a leader in building youth and children’s literacy across Ethiopia. Our first library was established in 2003, and since that time ER has built more than 72 libraries spanning every region of the country, shipping more than a quarter million books and serving over 130,000 children per year. ER supplies books, library furniture, and critical librarian training, mentoring and networking to library staff – most of whom work in school-based environments.
The most effective literacy campaign works across a broad front. ER has been very successful in diversifying its methods over the years. With over a decade of experience on the ground, ER has developed a full spectrum of literacy-centered activities and services: access to books and language-appropriate materials; access to classrooms and libraries; professional training and mentorship; advocacy for book-centered learning and good reading practices; outreach into the most marginalized communities, both rural and urban; and family literacy and literacy awareness campaigns.
In Ethiopia, one of the biggest obstacles to literacy development is lack of reading materials for children in native languages. ER has stepped in with an effort to develop story books for children in several major Ethiopian languages. The organization has also begun collecting a bibliography of children’s literature in Ethiopia, historical and current.
Ethiopia Reads has built libraries where there was previously no access to libraries, most often partnering with schools to establish libraries for their students.
Where reading spaces and classrooms are available, there is still a pressing need for training and professional dialogue, so that reading instruction is effective. Only ten years ago, education efforts in Ethiopia were focused on building schools. Now the attention is on what happens inside those new building – we need to focus on quality.
Recently, Ethiopia Reads was recognized as an official Honoree at the Library of Congress’ 2016 Literacy Awards ceremony held in Washington D.C. on October 27th, 2016. The Library of Congress Literacy Awards honor organizations working to promote literacy and reading in the United States and worldwide. The awards recognize groups doing exemplary, innovative and replicable work, and they spotlight the need for the global community to unite in striving for universal literacy.

Our mission
Ethiopia Reads mission is to create a culture of reading in Ethiopia. Look further into the dreams and ideals that fuel our work.
Our team
Ethiopia Reads’ programs are managed by Ethiopians who live and work in Addis Ababa and the regional capital of Hawassa (Awassa). Find out more about the people who work hard for the children every day.
Our model
In its short history, Ethiopia Reads has developed from an impassioned idea to bring books and literacy to children throughout Ethiopia to a 21st century model of development. Discover the evolution of our organization.
Our financials
Ethiopia Reads is committed to financial transparency and stewardship of your donations. Have a look at our financial information.
Employment opportunities
We are a small, dedicated group seeking to make a big impact on literacy and education in Ethiopia. We would love your help! Join us in the effort today!
Photo Gallery
We are working hard every day and love what we do for Ethiopia’s young generation. Check us out in action.